

Le produit 'Stripe' a été ajouté à votre panier.
vendredi, mai 10, 2024
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1 An Abonnement
€ 39.00
Sous-total € 39.00
Total TVA (0%)
Total de la commande
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(English) Prices shown without VAT unless explicitly stated otherwise. If you are an individual who resides in a member state of the European Union taxation territory or a business located in it which does not provide a valid VIES-registered VAT number during the subscription process you will be charged VAT at the main rate of your country in accordance to the European Directive 2011/83/EU and its incorporation into EU member states' local laws. Residents of Ireland and Irish businesses will always be charged 23% VAT *.
(*) A six-month reduction in the standard rate of Value-Added Tax (VAT) from 23% to 21% did applied, from 1 September 2020 to 28 February 2021.